Upcoming and Recent SMA Events
2010 SMA Fundraisers
Madison's Angels at the End Zone -- CANCELLED
Our annual Madison's Angels at the End Zone fundraiser has been
hit by several sacks, fumbles and interceptions over this past year. We must sadly inform you that we will NOT be able to
host this event this year as we had previously hoped to. Our last hit and final interception came when the Buckeye Hall
of Fame Cafe CLOSED it's doors on Dec. 31st, 2009. We are now without a venue for Madison's Angels at the End Zone. We
have not been able to secure another comparable location which would accommodate this magnitude of an event without
running into a huge financial hit.
We are still in need of a MIRACLE and ask that in HONOR of Madison's 13th birthday on 2-4-10 that you consider making a donation for $13 to recognize each year of Madison's continued fight with this horrible disease SMA! You can make an online donation by clicking on the link to the right entitled I-Give to OSU or please mail your check made payable to our name and address on the sidebar.
THANK YOU ALL for your support! We can't do this without YOU! Please contact us if you would like to VOLUNTEER & join us in this fight!
2009 SMA Fundraisers
October 13th: Madison's Angels Hitting the Links For a Cure -- CANCELLED
Hitting the Links for a Cure Brochure (Cancelled)
The golf outing and fundraiser on Oct. 13, 2009: Madison's Angels Hitting the Links For a Cure has been cancelled, due to
unexpected and unforeseeable circumstances. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to Darla and Dean Minamyer & Family for all of
their love and support in the FIGHT against SMA! To all of you who planned to golf or donate we THANK YOU and hope that
you will support us in our future fundraising efforts.
2008 SMA Fundraisers
April 12th: Madison's Angels at the End Zone. Our biggest SMA event of the year! See how you can participate!
Everyday SMA Fundraisers
4 Seasons Hideaways in Hocking HIlls, Ohio will donate 15 percent of every reservation to SMA Research if you mention Miracle For Madison when you book your stay with them. Grand Opening 10 percent discount for the month of February for any reservation in 2010. Brand new homes including an ADA accessible lodge. Check out their website at www.4seasonshideaways.com.
Every time you go to Handel's Ice Cream, give your change to or tip your server-they will put it in the Cure SMA Jar of Hope for SMA Research at OSU. On going at all Columbus Stores. Chris DiAngelo, owner of the Handels Ice Cream store in Hilliard Ohio has been raising money through the Tips for A Cure Jar of Hope Campaign since March 2002 when the store opened. He has chosen Miracle For Madison & Friends as the store local charity. Handels will be raising money through out the year as they are open year round. Chris is a native of Youngstown and a grad of OSU.
DaNays Glick and Dublin RD. Shop for great gifts, have a cup of Joe and leave a tip for Miracle For Madison & Friends.
Mary Kay by Kathe Daniel. Order online at Mary Kay or call her at 1-614-851-9375. Be sure to mention Miracle For Madison & Friends a percentage of profits to Miracle For Madison & Friends.
Shop and help us fight SMA at Cafe Press. Many designs and items available. Take a moment to look and BUY!!! All profits made by Planet SMA will go towards educating the public on Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and to providing support for both research and aiding kids and families living with SMA.
Jo Lackey Art of Atlanta, Ga. Go to Jo Lackey. Purchase any art piece or commissioned art and Jo will donate 25% back to Miracle For Madison & Friends. Mention Miracle For Madison & Friends when ordering so she knows to give back.
Shop Miracle for Madison Merchandise
Participate in the Friends Helping Friends fundraiser called Reading for Research. You can help make a difference in helping us find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. All you have to do is read a book or two or as many as you want and then collect pledges and sponsors for each book or each page you read.
Purchase the FUTURE BUCKEYE DVD for $20 and $10 from the sale will go to Madison's Angels. Email craig@futurebuckeye.com to order and mention Miracle For Madison & Friends or SMA.
Check SMA SUPPORT for other events
Sign the online Petition for SMA Treatment Acceleration Act
![]() The Strong family from California began a petition to gather support for the SMA Treatment Acceleration Act in honor of their daughter Gwendolyn who has type 1 SMA. Here in Ohio, we have been able to secure support of this bill from Senator Sherrod Brown, Congressman Pat Tiberi and Congresswoman Debra Pryce. For this bill to go further we need more cosponsors in the House and Senate. You can help show how important this legislation is to you by signing the petition. To sign the petition click on the Help Cure SMA sign above. To learn more about the SMA Treatment Acceleration Act visit our research page. |
Previous SMA Fundraisers
2007 SMA Fundraisers
April 14: Walk n Roll for SMA. The walkathon hosted by the OKI chapter of FSMA, held at the Cintas Center, Xavier University, was a HUGE success. Email Beth Lockwood at bethml@fuse.net for more information on next year's walk or to help with the event. See pictures at War on SMA
May 12th: 8am to 4pm and Sunday May 13th 1pm ti 5 pm: Community Miracle Event. The Tartan Fields Community Garage
Sale and Bake Sale was took place and benefited two Dublin Charities. Twenty Five + Tartan families donated 100% of the
sale proceeds to Dublin's Miracle Playground and Miracle for Madison & Friends. Volunteers and committee members from both
charities were on hand both days to assist with purchases and gave interested parties additional information about both
non-profit organizations. They gladly accepted all generous tax-deductible donations. 2006 Red Lamborghini rides were
given every 15 minutes for a $25 or more donation on Saturday to Dublin's Miracle Playground and Sunday to Miracle For
Madison & Friends.
THANK YOU to Darla Minamyer and the familes of the the Glen sub-division for all your support.
May 25 and 26: Dam Jam 2007 at the Bogey Inn. Party by the dam was held for two nights with proceeds going to SMA Research at OSU. BIG THANKS goes out to the Shawnee Hills Chamber of Commerce for their generous donation. Special THANKS to all our volunteers.
May 30 through June 2: Memorial Tournament Party 2007 held at the Bogey Inn. THANK YOU to Dan and the Bogey Inn for selecting Miracle for Madison & Friends as their charity for 2007. This was a great opportunity to spread some awareness. Special THANKS again to all our volunteers. Photos!
August 6 through 10: Chris Quinn Basketball Skill Camp for Boys Grade 4--9 at Dublin Coffman High School. Thank you Chris Quinn, former Dublin Coffman and Notre Dame basketball player now with the Miami Heat, for supporting Miracle For Madison & Friends and helping us raise awareness and support for Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
September 29 from noon to 3pm at Baker's Village Garden & Gift Shoppe will have the world's fastest pumpkin carver, Jerry Ayers. He will carve pumpkins and show his skills. The sale of these pumpkins will benefit Miracle for Madison and Friends.
September 29: The Cade and Katelynn "Cure SMA" Charity Golf Classic. Location: The Links at Echo Springs - Johnstown Ohio. Contact: Kelly Stare at 1-740-323-4095 or Michelle Torbert at 1-740-763-0169 for more information and to donate an auction item or become a hole sponsor.
November 10: HineyGate 2007. Location: Holiday Inn on the Lane. Be a part of the biggest Tailgate Party before, during and after the OSU vs Illinois game. Enjoy the live bands, food and joyful beverages and the spirit of OSU fanatics!
2006 SMA Fundraisers
October 21, 2006: OSU vs. Indiana Football Game/Hineygate 2006. It was a beautiful day in Buckeye country! The
Buckeyes continued on their way towards a National Championship while William Mason raised some SMA Awareness toward the
National Fight to CURE SMA! Our biggest THANKS goes out to The Holiday Inn on the Lane for their generous donation to SMA
research at OSU! View more pictures HERE.
3rd. Annual SMA Candle Lighting. On Saturday August 26 approximately 35 friends, braved the weather and came out
to Murphy Park (shelter and playground) behind Handel's Ice Cream in Powell, to honor all the children and adults living
with SMA and to remember always those who we have lost to this dreaded disease. Just before 7PM there was a huge gust of
wind knocking some of the angel pictures over and stirring up the balloons. I think some of the angels flew in just in
time to kick things off. It looked like rain all evening but there really were some angels among us. It was a beautiful
evening. There was plenty of ice cream to go around. Messages were attached to the balloons and released one by one while
everyone sang Happy Birthday to Austin in heaven on his first angel birthday. The candles were lit and glowed brightly. We
honored each angel in a moment of silence and prayer. Just after 9PM it started to drizzle and the angels left to play
with their balloons. Its been a difficult year of losses and illnesses. We appreciate everyone for showing their support.
THANK YOU! See pictures HERE.
View pictures from last years candle lighting HERE and the 3rd Annual Nationwide Candle Lighting
16th Annual Dam Jam. Thank you for those who joined us at the Bogey Inn for the 16th Annual Dam Jam 2006! Proceeds from this event will help the Shawnee Hills Chamber of Commerce and Miracle For Madison and Friends continue their missions in the community and surrounding area. For more information visit: www.damjam2006.com, www.shawneehillschamber.com
July 25: Click HERE to view pictures of O.A.R. in concert at Lifestyle's Community Pavillion, Columbus, Ohio. The band visited the SMA Awareness table and wore the wristbands on stage. Fans inquired about the wristbands on the O.A.R. Fans .com message boards. $377 and SMA awareness raised! THANK YOU COLUMBUS!
2005 SMA Fundraisers
March 12: Kick off for SMA Hats Of Hope. All year. Wear Hope. Give Hope. Purchase from the website a hat of hope ''with you in mind'' visor or a baseball cap. Inside each hat is a message to bring you hope, encouragement and laughter. As you go through your day. Look up and you will see HOPE (under the brim). Portion of the proceeds form each hat will benefit Miracle For Madison & Friends and SMA Support. Go to SMA Hats Of Hope. Go to products and pick out ANY of the hat(s) or visor(s) you prefer. When you check out, make sure you enter the special promotional code of SMA2005. This will give free shipping to people who order, and 40% going back to SMA!
March 12: Jo Lackey Art, Atlanta, Ga. Go to Jo Lackey. Purchase any art piece or commissioned art and Jo will donate 25% back to Miracle For Madison & Friends. Mention Miracle for Madison when ordering so she knows to give back.
April 16: Walk n Roll for SMA, a walkathon hosted by the OKI chapter of FSMA. Held at the Loveland Bike Trail in Nesbit Park in Loveland, Ohio (outside of Cincinnati). Contact Beth at 513-753-8222. It was a great walk raising over $65,000!!! See complete update at http://www.fsma.org/walks/ohio.shtml. View more pictures at http://www.waronsma.com/walk05.
June 18 at 10 am Mike Notor, Principal at a Boardman Ohio elementary school, began his walk from Columbus to Youngstown for the Matthew Fund for SMA Research at OSU. He walked in honor of Matthew O'Nesti type 2 SMA and all of Matthew's SMA friends. MFMF hosted the kick off walk from Columbus in front of the OSU football Stadium on the Jesse Owens Plaza. The Matthew Fund raised just over $50,000!!!!!
On Wednesday, August 3rd at Handels Homemade Ice Cream and Murphy's Park, MFM&F hosted a candle lighting and
balloon release to honor those living daily with SMA and to remember always those we have lost. Over 75
families/friends/SMA children and adults attended. On display was the beautiful Angel Quilt in memory of So Many Angels.
See the individual squares at www.kaydence.org. During the balloon release the song Someone's Watching Over Me
sung by Hilary Duff (Madison's request) played in the background. One balloon hovered over us for a short time before
finding its way up to heaven. There really were angels among us and someone watching over us! THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING!!!
See pictures from the candlelighting HERE! And see pictures from last years candlelighting
HERE and this year's is HERE!!
August 20: 2nd Annual SMA Nationwide Candlelighting. Honoring and remembering all SMA children and adults. PLEASE remember to light a candle at 8PM to spread the light around the world.
October 1: The Fifth Annual Cade & Katelyn CURE SMA Charity Golf Classic, was held at The Links At Echo Springs in Johnstown, Ohio. This awesome event raised over $25,500. All money raised supports the Cade and Katelyn fund for SMA research at OSU. Contact Kelly Stare 740-323-4095 or Michelle Torbert 740-763-0169 for more information on how to make a donation, sponsor a hole or to golf at next years outing in 2006.
THANKS to sweet and ever so cute WILLIAM Mason and his mom Tonya, the Holiday Inn on the Lane Hotelis holding a fundraiser Saturday October 22, 2005 in HONOR of William Madison and ALL their SMA friends. Its a pre-party before the Paul McCartney concert from 4PM to 7:30PM. It's FREE and open to the public. Proceeds from the sale of food and beverages will benefit Miracle For Madison and Friends OSU SMA Research. Several area DJ's will be there with prizes and give-aways galore! We will have an SMA table set up to spread some awareness.
Dec. 4, 2005: a special screening of 39 POUNDS OF LOVE
As far as I am concerned, Ami Ankilewitz is the movie star of the year.
Phil Hall,
39 POUNDS OF LOVE is the inspirational and humorous non-fiction account of a remarkable man and a remarkable
journey. Ami Ankilewitz was diagnosed with an extremely rare and often fatal form of SMA/2 that severely limits his
physical growth and movement yet at 36, he continues to outlive a doctor's prediction of life expectancy by 30 years.
Ami, who weighs only 39 pounds, works in Israel as a 3D graphics animator despite the fact that his bodily motion is
limited to a single finger and in doing so, continues to redefine notions of a "limited" life. The film follows Ami's
journey in search of the doctor who predicted his early demise. Along this personal trek, Ami attempts to come to
terms with another major incident from his past and to complete a lifelong dream: To finally ride a Harley Davidson
motorcycle. 39 POUNDS OF LOVE is an emotional roller coaster, a fascinating, humorous and truly inspirational ride
through life with someone who embodies the very term: Carpe Diem - Seize the day!
WHEN: Sunday December 4, 2005 at 4:30 pm
WHERE: Drexel Gateway Theater
1550 North High Street, Columbus
Appetizer reception immediately following
Tickets available only at the Drexel Gateway Theater
$10/advance at the Drexel Gateway Theater
$15/at the door and $2/student discount.
Proceeds benefit spinal muscular atrophy research at the OSU Medical Center in memory of Austin Colwell.