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Madison's Angels at The End Zone
Our annual fundraiser Madison's Angels at the End Zone will NOT be held this coming March 2009. Please continue to support Madison & her friends with donations and prayers as you have done in the past. We will be back with the event in March of 2010. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer any of your time to help us with the planning. This is not only for Madison but for all her friends with SMA. There is no way we could get through this without YOU! THANK YOU!
Check below for details on the previous Angels at the End Zone event, and check back soon for details about our next event in March of 2010.
The 10th Annual Madison's Angels at The End Zone
Thank you for believing! The 10th Annual Madison's Angels at the End Zone was a huge success. We survived the blizzard of 2008 and raised an amazing $123,000! From 1998-2008 we have come a long way for SMA research and awareness. We couldn't have done it without all of your help and support along the way. After 10 years our fund has now raised just over $1 million! Thanks a million to all our supporters.
When: April 12th, 2008
Where: Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe
Family Fun Fest: 11am - 3pm (FREE and open to the public)
- Hosted by Celeste Friedman
- Entertainment by: John Lortie, Eric Gnezda, Mackee the clown and magician, Irish dancers from the Katy Reegan Dance School, Puppetkind and Magical Two Foot Puppetry, the SMA Cloggers, Columbus Children's Choir, and Ohio Wildlife Animals
- Photo opportunities available with: OSU football players and coaches, the FANatic "Bone Lady", "Big Dawg", John Adams (the long-time Indians Fan and infamous drummer)
- Plus: Sports Memorabilia, general silent auction, Carnival games, prizes, raffle, and Buckeye Hall of Fame game room proceeds to benefit MFM&F
An Update on SMA Research: 3pm
- At 3PM following the day event Dr. John Kissel, Dr, Arthur Burghes, Dr. Steve Kolb, and Dr. Brian Kaspar will be available in the last 2 VIP banquet rooms to give an update on SMA research and answer questions.
- Everyone is welcome to attend!
"Thanks a Million" Dinner and Auction: 6:30PM - midnight
- Hosted by John Fortney - news anchor WBNS 10TV
- 6pm - Corporate Reception (available with corporate sponsorship)
- Check out some of the items in the silent and live auctions
- Celebrity photo opportunities available
- Casual dress
- Limited seating - reservations required
How to Participate
Reserve your spot now!
- Reservations available by filling in, printing and mailing this short form
- Hotel rooms available right next door at the Varsity Inn. Please note that a limited number of rooms are reserved under Miracle for Madison until Feb. 28th. You must call the hotel directly at 1-866-678-8277 to get the group rate and to reserve a room.
- Become a corporate sponsor
- Check out the official merchandise of the Angels at the End Zone
Related Information
Our 2008 Corporate Sponsors
- The Ohio State University Medical Center
- Kokosing Construction
- Vory's, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
- Grange Insurance
- Columbus Equipment Company
- Foley Benefits Group LLC
- Bogey Inn
Our 2008 Sponsors
- Paglieri Family
- Valentine Family
- Dean Minamyer Family
- Bill and Lynne Martin
- Bob and Jamie Mollwitz
Angels MVP Committee (forthcoming)
Angels at the End Zone 2007 Photos! (forthcoming)
Read the Article: Madison Reed, 10, beating the odds.
Read about last year's Madison's Angels at the End Zone.